Mordred is a rather small man, about 5'8 and from the looks of him, not weighing very much at all. His attire tends to be aristocratic, despite the fact that he actually is not wealthy. Moreso, he would probably be considered on the poverty level - thus he is very street smart. On his side he carries a dagger that is rather uniquely made, with a blade about thirteen inches long and razor sharp. The handle is rather fashionable, chrome and crafted in a shape that resembles a mixture of a nude goddess and some form of reptile. What this represents is unclear as he generally conceals it for the most part with the hem of his frilly, rather pretentious button down white shirt. As it is never tucked in, it serves this purpose well. His appearence is almost the very definition of arrogance, almost appearing effeminate with those pretty boy clothes.
Some may mistake him for a teenager as his thin face is rather delicate and his hair a platinum color; cascading in a womanly manner down both sides of his face in curls with a part in the middle. He is an outlaw and murderer, and at times has in fact dressed up as a freewoman so as to disguise himself when a bounty hunter comes around. Although small and at times androgynous, he is fast and accurate with his dagger and is often much more dangerous then a man of twice his body mass, or more. They all bleed the same after all, and a razor does make for a fantastic equalizer to make up for his lack of stature.
He is very fond of alcohol and mischief, and has been known to lapse into frenzies of nearly suicidal excess in the past. Boredom often gets him in trouble, legally and physically. He is the sort of guy that will light a tavern on fire for the fun of it or interrupt a play with nudity and lascivious acts. Though, for the most part his douche-baggery is harmless, he is not the sort that enjoys inflicting pain on others unnecessarily, or hurting feelings. He is not a hero by a long shot, although he is more inclined to help others then not. He does not have much of an interest in guilds or forums and only keeps himself trained well enough to be able to handle himself should the need arise.
His passion is vice, prone to scum and base.  A libertine in the truest sense of the world, he can regularly be found squandering his inheritance and spending fistfuls of money on drugs and sex.  Seeing the world and all the fussy little people in it as merely things that exist to entertain him.